🦋 Change the destiny of your relationships

What kind of people do you want in your life? 

This Sunday, I’m going to share with you 
my secret to how I create
what I call ‘divine connections’
and relationships in my life


First, focus on

the kind of person

you want to meet.

Because when you focus on
constantly cultivating yourself 

= you’ll never ‘need’
or chase people again

From personal experience
and witnessing it in my 
clients’ lives, 

I can tell you this is 
a proven piece of wisdom. 

What core values 
are most important to you?

To me, I especially value 

Kindness, Compassion,
Peace and Generosity.

And so I like to meet 
people who embody 
these values.

You know,
when I focus on being 

kind, compassionate,
peaceful, generous 

towards myself

—> I’m able to show up as
a kind, compassionate,
peaceful and generous person 
towards others.

—> And this somehow
leads me to

easily meet 

kind, compassionate,
peaceful and generous
people who want 
to be all that to me.


I personally practise 

‘Divine Connection’ secret

choosing my mentors, 

to the specific type of 

clients I work with. 

Business partners. 


And even airplane seat neighbours!


And guess what?  

They all truly ‘happen’

to be kind, compassionate,

peaceful and generous people.

This is the Speed Of Grace. 

You can experience it too! 

So dear one,

what kind of people 

do you want in your life? 

Focus on being 

that kind of person first 

The key is to

first begin with yourself. 

And sometimes, 
it’s to do something 

you’ve never done 
for yourself before.

With kindness, 
compassion, peace
and generosity towards you, 


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