⏰ Your Spiritual Alarm Clock

Your Reflection:

When was the last time
you felt deeply upset?

When you’re upset,
you suffer.

Do you notice that
when you suffer in one form or another,
everything in your life
seems to suffer too?

The Common Mistake:

Most people waste a ton
of time and energy
striving to fix the problem.

But do you realise,
the more you strive,
the worse it gets?

How To Breakthrough?

Instead of wasting your energy
striving and struggling with the problem,
try this practice:

1. Stop wrestling with it

2. Slow down

3. Step back

4. Tap into your Inner Wisdom
(yes, we all have it!)
and ask yourself:

‘What have I been asleep about?’
or ‘What have I overlooked?’

‘What needs my attention now?’

Your Potential Blind Spots:

Here are a few examples
to check-in with yourself:

Have you been unforgiving?
Ungrateful? Unkind? Judgmental?

Have you been careless with the
little details of your life

such as your
bills, household chores,
or even your meals?

Take care of these.
Get them in order.

You will see that
you will suffer less.

Before you know it,
the very thing that’s causing you to suffer?
It will be taken care of too.

You’ve got to experiment with it
to experience this 🙂


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