Speed of Grace's

Breakthrough Encounter

Take your first step to your Breakthrough

Dear one,

Are you overwhelmed and confused with information overload from self-help books and online articles?

Do you want to get clarity on your current situation so that you get ‘unstuck’ and have a clear direction for progress?

Have you been feeling guilty and frustrated about burdening your family and friends when you confide in them about your challenges (only to receive unhelpful advice)?

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Your Opportunity to Breakthrough with Val

Limited to 3 applicants per week only

In this One-Time-only, In-Person Private
Breakthrough Encounter with leading mentor, Valerie Grace


Find Peace and Comfort

Enter into a safe, non-judgmental space with Val
where you can
freely express your thoughts and feelings
about your current challenge


Get Crystal Clear

Gain a non-biased higher perspective
and get clarity on
the Root Issue of your current situation


Be Empowered with Confidence

Discover your unique and personalised Breakthrough Roadmap
of the action-steps you could take to truly breakthrough in your challenge

Limited to 3 applicants per week only

Imagine what it feels like to Breakthrough in ONE session

Be encouraged by these Breakthrough Women who dared to take their first step to breakthrough.

Breakthrough Encounter with Val

You will receive

What the Breakthrough Encounter Is *Not*:

Like the Breakthrough Sessions Val’s clients
receive in her signature Breakthrough Programs (3, 6 and 12 months Breakthrough Journey)

Deep transformational results take time and
a process of deep inner-work and guidance.

However, not everyone has the confidence to dive deep into
such high-level commitment in personal development.

The good news is you CAN get started with this Breakthrough Encounter with Val.

You are guaranteed that Val’s 100% commitment to serve you
has zero-expectations of you to work with her in the long-term.

Instead, your Breakthrough Encounter with Val is
your opportunity to know what it feels like to invest in your growth and breakthrough
with a trusted advisor who has a solid track record of happy and satisfied clients since 2016.

*Please note that the Breakthrough Encounter fee is *not* a pro-rated amount of
Val’s signature Breakthrough Woman Program.

You are guaranteed that Val’s 100% commitment to serve you
has zero-expectations of you to work with her in the long-term.

Instead, your Breakthrough Encounter with Val is
your opportunity to know what it feels like to invest in your growth and breakthrough
with a trusted advisor who has a solid track record of happy and satisfied clients since 2016.

*Please note that the Breakthrough Encounter fee is *not* a pro-rated amount of
signature Breakthrough Woman Program.

Do you feel like you're at the brink of your breakthrough?

Take action.

Submit your application below.

And I shall see you on the other side.

Limited to 3 applicants per week only.


Upon submitting your form below, you will receive an email from the Speed of Grace team within 24 hours.

*Be rest assured your form answers are for strictly my (Val) eyes only.


You will see a private link to make payment and schedule for your breakthrough encounter with me. 

To confirm your space, please pay and book for your encounter within 24 hours upon receiving the email.


We will meet at your
Breakthrough Encounter at your scheduled slot.

Come ready with an open and willing heart to learn and breakthrough.

Life is for you
Transformation is for you
Goodness is for you